Your site contains an optional Aside section that can be positioned to the left or right of the content that is displayed through the Article for a Page.  By default, the aside is positioned to the right.

The Aside can be turned off on individual pages by adjusting the Style attribute for your Article through Site Pilot.  Valid values are asideLeft, asideRight, asideNone, and asideDefault.  

The asideDefault setting is the system default and it's value is determined through a configuration parameter that can be overridden.

1. Use the following if you want the Aside to be positioned to the right be default.


2. Use the following if you want the Aside to be positioned to the left be default.


3. Use the following if you want the Aside to be disabled by default


No matter which setting you choose, you can always override the Aside positioning for an individual Article.  This allows you to have a system wide default that be overridden on individual pages.

